Diversifying All-Rounder

Learn more about the Diversifying All-Rounder

Diversifying All-Rounder

flexible, balanced, fast-learning

Your super power:


You are not easily thrown of course.


Just a little theoretical background:

Autonomy Orientation and Identity
Developing and maintaining a clear identity of who you are is a central struggle for every founder. The degree of achievement will define your level autonomy, influence which roles you choose and shape your relationship with others.

Control Orientation and Intention
Founders are geared to create impact, but vary on the extent they are guided by an inner calling. The orientation to control indicates how, as a founder, you hold yourself personally responsible to define strategies and drive implementation.

People Orientation and Inclusion
Founders with a distinct people orientation will recognise that attaining desired outcomes is also a question of collaboration and inclusion. A high orientation will emphasise being part of a community and rely on others to cope with demands or changes.

More about Diversifying All-Rounder


You are confident and there is not much that can slow you down. Your team is motivated because you ask for individual input and everyone is encouraged to participate in the decision-making process. Your energy is focused on the tasks at hand and you are very much aware of any changes that are going on around you.

Side effects

It is very unlikely that you can have an expert grasp of every subject. It may be worthwhile to consider which tasks you should be handing off to someone else. If you continue to manage too many tasks at once, you run the risk of losing sight of the bigger picture.


Clarity aids you in evaluating risks. Give yourself the space to get a full idea of your challenges and tasks. This will allow you to be more flexible and you will be able to adapt to changing situations faster.


Decide on a specific task you can hand over to someone else.

Now take a piece of paper and describe the task. Write down the name of the team member you are delegating the task to. Describe precisely what they are responsible for. Outline in detail the results you want to achieve.

Make sure the person has all the necessary resources for the task. Now schedule meetings for feedback, with dates and times. Clarify in writing all the risks involved in handing over the task. List possible mistakes that could happen to the person and note in advance how you will support them in gaining a valuable learning experience.

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you'll be right either way.

Henry Ford

Famous Diversifying All-Rounder

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